IMH Magazine 2024: 75, 4
IMH Magazine 2024: 75, 4 Read More »
The Maritime Charities Group (MCG) has commissioned a study of the estimated size and demographic profile of the UK’s Merchant Navy and fishing fleet personnel and their dependants, from 2019–2040. This research will cover UK nationals (aged 18+) who are working/former seafarers, their families, and service-providers working in maritime welfare charities. It will include all
Seafarer Demographics Study 2024 Read More »
A promising and complementary cooperation for the future IMHF and IMHA recently signed an agreement on cooperation. This is most welcoming news! Whilst the two organizations have similar aims, they work in different fields, which are complementary to each other. IMHA is a membership organisation, and IMHF. IMHA is a membership organisation and plays an
IMHF-IMHA Agreement Read More »
Contributed by Nebojsa Nikolic The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) launched its Yacht Crew Help service in November 2020, in order to provide accessible, specialised support to help those working in the yachting industry to cope withthe unique challenges of life at sea. Yacht Crew Help is a free, multilingual, 24/7/365 service operated
Contributed by Nebojsa Nikolic The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) announced that up to a thousand ships flagged to the CookIslands, Palau, Sierra Leone, and Togo will be targeted for safety, maintenance and seafarer welfare inspections acrossthe Mediterranean Sea in the coming 8 weeks by an army of inspectors from the ITF, seafarers’ unions and
Contributed by Nebojsa Nikolic The Joint International Labour Organization/International Maritime Organization (ILO/IMO) Tripartite Working Groupto identify and address seafarers’ issues and the human element will convene in the first and last quarter of 2024. Dateand place still to be confirmed.Also, in the first quarter in Geneva: Meeting of Experts to produce joint ILO/IMO Guidelines for
ILO/IMO MEETINGS 2024 Read More »
Contributed by Klaus Seidenstücker For all maritime health care professionals, it is essential to keep abreast of epidemiological/infectious disease developments. The World Health Organization offers at regular intervals webinars. See for more information and registration/subscription:
Contributed by Nebojsa Nikolic (Non-Governmental Organizations [NGO’s]) Globally, as of 12:20pm CEST, 30 August 2023, there have been 770,085,713 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19), including 6,956,173 deaths, reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). As of 20 August 2023,a total of 13,499,865,692 vaccine doses have been administered.On WHO press conference on global health issues
Contributed by Nebojsa Nikolic The World Health Organization (WHO) online repository of evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) tools ( is the first of its kind to highlight WHO tools and external tools utilized by WHO to facilitate knowledgetranslation and partner organizations involved in planning, managing, monitoring, and evaluating the process of evidenceuse and implementation. This tool will